This is the conversion needed to convert your rear drums to disc brakes using affordable mid eighties Monte Carlo Calipers. This is a MAJOR upgrade to any Toyota 4wd Pickup or 4Runner 86-95. We run them on our trail trucks to slow down those big meats. This is an easy upgrade. This is ultimate in stopping power. This kits is less expensive than repairing your factory drum brake setup. This is a complete kit with everything you need to bolt on.
Rear Disc Brake Kit includes:
2 |
Rotors |
2 |
Calipers |
2 |
Conversion Brake Hoses |
2 |
Backing Plates |
8 |
Backing Plate Bolts |
8 |
Backing Plate NyLock Nuts |
4 |
Caliper Pins |
4 |
Brake Pads |
Rear Disc Brake Frequently Asked Questions
Will I need a proportioning valve? Maybe, there is no clear cut answer here because of tire size, vehicle weight, brake master, etc. We do suggest removing the residual valve and test. If you have premature rear lock up, then a proportioning valve may be the cure.
Do I have to remove the axle shafts? Yes. You will have to press the back plate / bearing carrier off. YOU WILL NEED A PRESS.
What position are the calipers? Installers choice. Because of different spring configurations, we have seen various position people have located the caliper. As long as you have ample room to attach the brake line and the bleeder is up, you are fine. We use them with the calipers at the 12 o'clock position.
What kind of parts are these? They are remanufactured loaded GM calipers, and milled GM truck rotors. The backing plate and lines are custom made.
I want to keep my Toyota all Toyota, can I use Toyota calipers? No, while everyone sees the advantage to Toyota parts, their drum brake system is moderate at best. This set up has stopped thousands of GM cars and trucks.
Can I use my wheels? The vast majority will fit without any problems. Rarely, some thick walled aluminum rims may get close.